Sunday, April 24, 2011

It windy but the fishing is good!

The wind has been blowing the past few weeks but the fishing is good. Our bay boats are made to handle the rough water and you will stay dry and safe. Lake Palestine was rough today but we caught a lot of fish. The lake is still in good shape as far as the water level. Some of the smaller lakes are getting low due to the drought. So don't stay home due to the wind.....lets go fishing.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Almost Summer Time For The Kids

Haven't gotten much rain in East Texas, but it hasn't affected the fishing though.  It's definitely time to start thinking about summer activities with the family.  Fishing out on a lake provides you, not only with dinner, but also with a way to cool off if you get too hot!  So consider some outdoor time with friends and family during summer vacation and give me a call!